1. Grazhdanskii kodeks Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 30.11.1994 g. № 51-FZ (red. ot 03.08.2018 g.) [The civil code of the Russian Federation (civil code) dated November 30, 1994 № 51-FZ (ed. on August 03, 2018)]. Available at: Spravochnaya pravovaya sistema «Konsul’tantPlyus» http://www.consultant.ru/cons/ (accessed 01.02.2019).
2. Federal’nyi zakon «O valyutnom regulirovanii i valyutnom kontrole» ot 10.12.2003 g. № 173-FZ (red. ot 25.12.2018 g.) [Federal law «On currency regulation and currency control» dated December 10, 2003 № 173-FZ (ed. on December 25, 2018)]. Available at: Spravochnaya pravovaya sistema «Konsul’tantPlyus» http://www.consultant.ru/cons/ (accessed 06.02.2019).
3. Federal’nyi zakon «O natsional’noi platezhnoi sisteme» ot 27.06.2011 g. № 161-FZ (red. ot 27.06.2018 g.) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 26.09.2018 g.) [Federal law «On the national payment system» dated June 27, 2011 № 161-FZ (ed. of 27.06.2018 g.) (with izm. and DOP., entry. in force with September 2, 2018)]. Available at: Spravochnaya pravovaya sistema «Konsul’tantPlyus» http://www.consultant.ru/cons/ (accessed 01.02.2019).
4. Federal’nyi zakon «O tsifrovykh finansovykh aktivakh» Proekt № 419059-7 [Federal law «On digital financial assets» Project № 419059-7]. Available at: Spravochnaya pravovaya sistema «Konsul’tantPlyus» http://www.consultant.ru/cons/ (accessed 01.02.2019).
5. Babkin A. V., Burkal’tseva D. D., Kosten’ D. G., Vorob’ev Yu. N. Formirovanie tsifrovoi ekonomiki v Rossii: sushchnost’, osobennosti, tekhnicheskaya normalizatsiya, problemy razvitiya [The emergence of digital economy in Russia: its essence, features, technical normalization, the problems of development]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskie vedomosti SPbGPU. Ekonomicheskie nauki, 2017, Vol. 10, I. 3, pp. 9-25.