1. St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University
Technology trade development is a necessary condition for increasing the level of economy competitiveness and rational integration of a country into the process of labor international division. The purpose of the study is to determine trends in international trade in technology development of Russia in 2006–2021. Based on the analysis of the Federal State Statistics Service data for 2006–2021, conclusions have been drawn that during the period under review, technology imports from Russia increased 4.4 times (up to USD 5.0 billion), while exports increased 8.8 times (up to USD 4.6 billion). The outstripping growth of exports compared to imports testifies to the increasing level of technological development of Russia, although the technology imports volume according to the methodology of the Federal State Statistics Service is underestimated relative to the real state. The leading role in techno logies export belongs to engineering services, the share of which reached 40 % in the total volume of trade in 2021. The growth in the engineering services export volume indicates the growth of economic entities’ competitiveness of a number of sectors of the national economy in the world market. In many respects, this result was achieved due to the successful activity of the Rosatom state corporation, which implements a number of large foreign projects for the nuclear power plants construction.
State University of Management
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