Expert methods for assessing technological innovation management at industrial enterprises in the context of digital transformation


Kalko A. A.1ORCID


1. Pentacon Ltd.; St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics


The article studies issues of assessing the management of the end-to-end process of creating and bringing to market knowledge-intensive products in the context of economy digital transformation at medium-sized enterprises in the relevant industries, as well as ways to improve this process in the areas of Market Analysis, Planning, R&D Work. The author’s approach and algorithm for assessing the process management implementation have been disclosed, and market experts surveyed and interviewed. Weighted average integral indicators of the efficiency of implementing the end-to-end process of creating and bringing to market such products and an effective industrial digital enterprise model achievability have been determined. With the use of the expert evaluations method, the importance ranks of the process stages have been calculated. The formulated proposals for improving the efficiency level of the end-to-end process of creating and bringing to market knowledge-intensive products are programs for improving the above-mentioned stages. They will form the basis for developing and implementing basic principles, techniques, methods, and algorithms of the process management model. 


State University of Management

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