Implementation of a new pricing mechanism in the heat supply market


Zakrevskaya A. G.1ORCID,Lyubimova N. G.1ORCID


1. State University of Management


The article notes the lack of investment in heat supply market, which leads to increased wear and tear of both heat sources and heating networks, huge heat losses and non-competitiveness of district heating systems. A proposal is being considered to implement a new model of the heat market in all regions of Russia and to switch from direct state regulation of tariffs for heat energy (capacity) to contractual tariffs, the maximum level of which is determined by the “alternative boiler house” method. However, for those regions where the existing tariffs for heat energy (capacity) are higher than the established limit levels using the “alternative boiler house” method, the authors propose the use of other approaches and methods of tariff regulation, in particular, examples, advantages and disadvantages of using energy service contracts, tariff regulation based on method of return on invested capital, new legislation in terms of obtaining long-term loans for the modernization of infrastructure from the National Welfare Fund and the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund.


State University of Management


General Medicine

Reference14 articles.

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