1. Saint Petersburg mining university
This article is devoted to the relevant topic of reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. The relevance of the article is confirmed by the fact that within the framework of the Paris Agreement, a number of countries, including the Russian Federation, have undertaken obligations to implement measures entailing the achievement of this goal. Among such activities the development and implementation of carbon dioxide capture and storage projects (hereinafter referred to as CCUS projects) are important, one of the conditions for the development of which is to achieve a certain level of public approval of such projects. The article presents an overview of Russian and foreign sources of information on both the prospects for the development of projects for the capture, storage and utilization of carbon dioxide and the problems of prevalence of information about such projects. A study of four of the most popular social networks in the Russian Federation for the presence of video content and communities on topics such as “CO2”, “Greenhouse gases”, “CO2 capture”, “CO2 Utilization”, “CO2 emission” and a number of others was conducted. It was revealed that some of the topics are not represented in social networks at all, and the rest is rarely traced. Recommendations to increase the level of public awareness about CCUS projects are given.
State University of Management