Functional modeling of the process of bringing innovative products to the market in mechanical engineering


Shinkevich A. I.1ORCID,Shumkin A. V.1ORCID


1. Kazan National Research Technological University


The research is aimed at building a functional model ofmarket launch process of innovative mechanical engineering products. The subject of the study was the innovative process of a machine-building enterprise. The research methodology includes a comparative analysis and analysis of dynamic series, the concept of DCOR modeling, and IDEF0 methodology. As a result of the study, the patterns of innovative development of machine-building industries in Russia have revealed. The decomposition of the DCOR model of market launch process of innovative products adapted to the machine-building industry has proposed. The levers of successful market launch of innovative products have offered. A functional model of market launch process of innovative mechanical engineering products has developed. The model has formalised in the IDEF0 notation, which in general can contribute to the opening and use of a “window of opportunity” for the implementation of breakthrough innovation. The formulated conclusions contribute to the development of the theory of innovation in the context of machine-building industry and can be applied in planning and forecasting the innovative development of industrial enterprises. 


State University of Management

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