Development of viticulture and winemaking in the regions of the Russian Federation


Stroev V. V.1ORCID,Magomedov M. D.1ORCID,Alekseycheva E. Yu.2ORCID


1. State University of Management

2. Moscow City Pedagogical University


The article notes the importance of increasing the production of grapes and wines in the Russian Federation; the historical aspect of the change in the areas of grape cultivation is considered; the analysis of the dynamics of changes in the acreage under grapes, its gross harvest and yields is presented. It is noted that with the positive dynamics of grape and wine production in the country, there are unrealized reserves for growth, in particular, increasing the yield of grapes in the Southern and North Caucasus federal districts and timely processing of grapes at primary winemaking enterprises. The possibility of increasing the growth of the competitiveness of Russian winemaking through the rejuvenation of old vineyards has been studied. It is noted that it is necessary to use the existing experience of advanced enterprises more fully and provide state support for the replacement of physically and mentally worn-out machines and equipment. The article also focuses on the formation of alcoholic beverages consumption culture at different levels of education, as well as in the family. The potential for the development of wine-making activities by Russian enterprises in related industries is shown, considering new trends in consumer behavior, in particular, focusing on a healthy lifestyle and replacing sugar in the diet.


State University of Management

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