Automation System for the Disposal of Feces and Urine in Rabbit Cages Using Arduino


Yudi Kristyawan ,Atinus Yikwa


Farming rabbits in large numbers produce large amounts of feces and urine. A cage full of feces and urine can cause health problems for rabbits. This research aims to produce an automation system for the disposal of feces and urine in rabbit cages using an Arduino board and implemented in a prototype form. This system uses electronic devices including load cells, HX711 Module to make it easier to read load cells in measuring weight, real-time clock (RTC) for timing, ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 to detect the presence of a certain object, dc motor, L298N motor driver module to control a dc motor, an LCD 16x2 module to display the weight and height of feces and urine, a buzzer as a notification of the status of the container if it is full, and an Arduino Uno as a controller of the entire system. The system operates so that the feces excreted by the rabbit fall onto the conveyor belt. At the same time, the urine passes via the conveyor belt and falls into the cross-section before being pumped into the urine collection container. The feces on the conveyor belt will be moved with a dc motor towards the stool container based on a certain time. Each stool and urine container is weighed with a load cell and ultrasonic sensor to detect when the container is full. Then the condition of the load cell and the ultrasonic sensor is displayed on an LCD 16x2. When one or both containers are full, a buzzer will sound as a notification. The method used in this research is an experimental method by manipulating or controlling natural situations into artificial conditions. The artificial condition is the provision of deliberate control over the object of study. The test results show that this system can remove waste based on the time using a belt conveyor and monitoring the weight and height of the dirt. If the dirt has met the specified limit, the system can activate an alarm as a notification.


Dr. Soetomo University


Polymers and Plastics,General Environmental Science

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