Ultrasonic metrics for large-area rapid wrinkle detection and classification in composites


Smith R A,Tayong R B1,Nelson L J1,Mienczakowski M J1,Wilcox P D1


1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK


Due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, composite materials are now in use in many high-stress applications, particularly where light weight is also a requirement. In these situations, the detrimental knock-down in mechanical strength due to an out-of-plane wrinkle defect can have serious consequences and is the reason for a requirement to rapidly detect any such wrinkles at manufacture. Unfortunately, current ultrasonic inspection techniques used for quality control at manufacture are not sensitive enough to detect these wrinkles above coherent structural noise variations. This paper exploits the ply resonance that is a characteristic of multi-layer structures to generate two new metrics for both detection and classification of out-of-plane wrinkles, due to their perturbations of the ply spacing. These can be measured at every location on a structure using the instantaneous frequency, which is the rate of change of phase in the pulse-echo ultrasonic response. The proposed two new metrics for detection and classification of wrinkles are mean spacing and spacing difference and they can be applied to each waveform in real time, as it is acquired. Use of an analytical model to predict the ultrasonic response of the structure has allowed an understanding of how these metrics will be affected by various wrinkle types and how they can not only detect wrinkles but also classify the type of wrinkle and provide an approximate indication of severity. Three main types of wrinkle are considered: classic wrinkles near the mid-plane of a structure, back-surface wrinkles formed from a resin bulge near the back of a structure and folded wrinkles where several plies can be folded over completely in the bulk of the structure. Both simulations and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of these metrics on various types of structure, including carbon-fibre and hybrid carbon/glass-fibre composites with a range of ply thicknesses and wrinkle types.


British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT)








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