Cosgrove G.P.,Brougham R.W.
Improved pasture species, irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer options for increasing pasture growth rate during inter and Summer have been evaluated in growth rate and annual production of young Friesian bulls. Effective increases in Summer pasture production have been obtained from the use of irrigation, Pawera red clover, Matua prairie grass and particularly a combination of irrigation and Matua, Nitrogen fertilizer, Matua and carryover effects of irrigation have increased cool Season pasture growth rates. Liveweight gains reflect these increases except on Matua pastures where poor growth rate of calves occurs durmg summer. The negative effects of the different pasture treatments on Spring liveweight gain are attributed partly to the effects of compensatory growth in bulls but also to treatment effects which reduce pasture growth rate during this season. For this reason the most effective gains are made by 15-18 month old bulls during summer. Pasture species and pasture mixtures react differently to applications of irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer. The most appropriate Strategies and combinations are discussed
New Zealand Grassland Association
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