
Grigor’yev Viktor S., ,Romanov Il’ya V.


With the expansion of the crushing equipment for various substances, the issues of the energy intensity of the process, the duration of grinding, the profitability of the devices with the required quality of grinding are acute. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in justifying the technical solutions for the use of vortex layer apparatuses as activators of the processes of crushing and converting organic agricultural waste during their pre-treatment for further utilization in biogas plants. (Materials and methods) Authors evaluated the efficiency of pretreatment of animal waste in the developed 1.3 kilowatt vortex layer apparatus; steel needles were used as ferromagnetic elements with a diameter/length ratio of 1/10. Logical analysis of existing experimental data on the processes occurring in the vortex layer apparatuses with the use of control equipment and statistical data processing were used as research methods. (Results and discussion) The article presents the most significant factors affecting the biogas yield in the vortex layer apparatuses. Cavitation and the mechanical action of ferromagnetic elements have the greatest influence on the processes of waste crushing. The use of vortex layer devices stimulates the microbiological activity of metagens of biogas plant, eliminates possible clogging of communications with the available inclusion of vortex layer devices in the existing technological scheme. (Conclusions) The article proposes the design of the vortex layer apparatus with an installed capacity of 1.3 kilowatts and a capacity of two liters per minute. It is advisable to use vortex layer devices for fine grinding of plant products and waste, preparation of stable colloidal solutions and intensification of chemical and microbiological processes with high productivity and low specific energy consumption.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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