
Borisov Sergey V., ,Lomovskikh Aleksandr E.,Prilepin Oleg E.,Mamatkazin Timur R.,Dunayev Anatoliy V.,


Improving the parameters of diesel engines is an urgent task. Work has been carried out to significantly reduce the consumption of their fuel with the introduction of water dispersions into the fuel. Currently, water-fuel emulsions with exotic emulsifiers are mainly tested. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in creation of a water-fuel emulsion without an emulsifier with a simple installation and identifying the influence of the composition and quality of this WFE on the performance of the YaMZ-236 diesel engine. (Materials and methods) The article presents a plant for the preparation of a "rough" water- fuel mixture from diesel fuel according to GOST 32511-2013 and distilled water according to GOST 6709. Authors conducted standard bench tests at the KI-5540- GOSNITI stand with a YaMZ-236 diesel engine with an upgraded fuel system and performed the control of the smoke content of the exhaust gases with the gas analyzer "AUTOTEST". The dependence of diesel performance indicators on the composition and dispersion of water-fuel emulsions without an emulsifier was studied experimentally with a minimum number of tests, but with the maximum possible combination of the values of three variable factors. (Results and discussion) The influence of various water-fuel emulsions on the performance of the diesel engine was evaluated according to the plan of a full factor experiment, including 20 tests. The second-order regression equations were obtained by mathematical processing of the test results. The feasibility of using water-fuel emulsions for diesel engines was confirmed. By modeling a water-fuel mixture without emulsifiers, there was created an aqueous dispersion with drops up to two micrometers. In the load tests of the diesel engine with it, there was noticed an improvement in its performance. (Conclusions) The introduction of 17-20 percent water dispersion with drops of up to two micrometers into diesel fuel reduced the specific fuel consumption by 18 percent, the smokiness in the K indicator by 20- 22, and in the N indicator by 30-35 percent.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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