Construction of the fate of engineer M.F. Balgi


Prilukova Ekaterina G.1,Chuprin Vadim V.2


1. South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

2. Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov, Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation


There are people and events that have gone down in history and are known in the world. One of them is the designer of combat vehicles M. F. Balzhi, without which the history of the creation of the IS-3 tank will cease to be. (Research purpose) The research purpose is to show the development of an engineer-designer of technology M. F. Balzhi. (Materials and methods) The methodological framework of the study is set by the requirements of the methodological hermeneutical standard, the cognitive model of "the dual nature of man as a thinking being and a feeling being" by P. Sorokin, methodological guidelines of "history of concepts" and "oral history". The research material is the representation of M. F. Balzhi's creativity by colleagues and students in "reified" memory. (Results and discussion) A biography of Michael Bali is typical for his contemporaries. The article notes that although country events have a significant impact on the formation of a person, much depends on the character of the person, its inner core. The article shows that M. Bali was fond of mechanics and tried to gain new knowledge. In November 1935, he began working at the Chelyabinsk tractor plant, where work was underway to create a new S-65 tractor. The second half of the 30s was noted by the creation of Soviet tanks and marked the beginning of the "tank period" in the life of M. Balzhi, who proposed the basis for new tank designs. After the Second World War, M. F. Balzhi designed the S-65 and S-80 tractors, developed and introduced the ATS-2 artillery tractor and the IS-4 heavy tank into mass production. Since 1949, the design engineer began teaching, for 20 years he headed the Tanks Department. M. F. Balzhi has published more than 150 scientific papers and has trained 13 postgraduates. (Conclusions) In our country, there is a huge gap between unique design ideas and solutions born in the bowels of design bureaus and their practical implementation. It is worth referring to the experience of organizing the work of the design engineer M. F. Balzhi, whose inquisitive mind sought not only to obtain knowledge and create new things, but also to find practical applications for them.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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