Improving the use of multi-link tractor-transport trains


Kushnarev Aleksey N.1,Schitov Sergey V.1,Kuznetsov Evgeniy E.1,Sennikova Natal’ya N.1


1. Far Eastern State Agrarian University, Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation


The use of multi-link tractor-transport units has become one of the most effective methods of increasing agricultural productivity. When turning these aggregates, an increase in the width of the transport corridor serves as a deterrent. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in improving the safety of multi-link tractor trains by optimizing the width of the transport corridor in the turn with the use of additional devices that contribute to the formation of safe driving conditions for tractor-transport units. (Materials and methods) Authors have developed a design of agricultural machinery, the use of which allows meeting the safety conditions. Based on existing methods, authors have created special methods for determining the effect of the proposed device on the angle of rotation of the drawbar relative to the tractor and trailer. The article presents analytical dependencies for determining the turnability coefficient and the transmission coefficient of the device's impact on the drawbar rotation angle. (Results and discussion) It was found that the change in the angle of rotation of the guide wheels of the trailer is greatly influenced by the length of the retractable rod of the hydraulic cylinder of the device. It was found by experimental studies that in the proposed device, there is a direct link between the length of the retractable rod of the hydraulic cylinder and the angle of rotation of the plan-washer. (Conclusions) To ensure the necessary transport corridor of the unit, it is necessary to adjust the angle of rotation of the drawbar of both trailer links. As a result of the conducted research, the existing relationships that arise during the operation of the proposed device are confirmed and it is proved that the coefficient of impact transmission in both cases is equal to one.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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