


The actual service life of electrohydraulic injectors of automotive diesel engines with a high-pressure battery system of the Common Rail type in operation is significantly lower than the claimed one, and its restoration by repair is relevant from a technical and economic point of view. One of the most wearable elements of electrohydraulic injectors is the contact surface of the ball valve seat. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in developing an improved technology for repairing electro-hydraulic injectors of automotive diesel engines with a vibration-rivet of the contact surface of the ball valve seat. (Materials and methods) The article presents the carried out theoretical substantiation of the process of vibration riveting of the ball valve seat of electrohydraulic injectors and its laboratory and bench studies using serial stands for testing electrohydraulic injectors, checking their elements and restoring the seat geometry by lapping, an electronic digital microscope. (Results and discussion) Authors confirmed the working hypothesis about the possibility of forming the ring contact surface of the ball valve of electrohydraulic injectors reinforced with a vibration riveting by creating certain hydraulic and electrical modes of its operation during the required time. For the model 0445110376 electrohydraulic injectors of the Cummins ISF 2.8 diesel engine, the total area of the hardened surface of the regular ring shape was 0.07 square millimeters, and the depth was about 0.003 millimeters with a process time of 45 minutes. The parameters of the experimental electrohydraulic injectors met the requirements of the test plan, and they are currently successfully undergoing operational tests. (Conclusions) The use of a valve seat vibration rivet will increase the life of repaired injectors at a low cost for its implementation.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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