Final plasma hardening the details of peristaltic pumps


Topolyanskiy Pavel A.1,Ermakov Sergey A.1,Topolyanskiy Andrey P.2


1. Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

2. Plasmacentre Ltd., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


Improving the reliability and durability of peristaltic pumps is urgent. (Research purpose) The research purpose is to consider the operating conditions of peristaltic pump saddle, determine the causes of wear, develop a methodology for selecting the optimal coating, conduct research on the physical and mechanical properties of coatings and test them for microabrasive wear. (Materials and methods) The process of finishing plasma hardening with diamond-like DLCPateks coating was chosen for research based on the analysis of well-known industrial coating technologies. The article describes the studied physical and mechanical properties using the nanoindentation method on the TI 750Ubi nanohardness tester (Hysitron, USA) and conducted tests under microabrasive wear conditions on the Tribotester 103PC device to analyze the effectiveness of using this coating in comparison with other wear-resistant coatings. (Results and discussion) It was found by studying the physical and mechanical properties of the DLCPateks coating with a thickness of about 1 micrometer applied by the final plasma hardening method that its wear resistance parameters are: the plasticity index is 0.14-0.16, the plastic deformation resistance is 0.41-0.57. It was noted that the closest analog according to these characteristics is a diamond-like a-C:H coating, applied by the method of physical deposition of coatings in a vacuum, has a value of the plasticity index of 0.1-0.16. (Conclusions) The article describes the result of testing under microabrasive wear conditions, the coefficient of wear resistance of the DLCPateks coating. The results of studies of the physical and mechanical properties of the DLCPateks coating applied by the final plasma hardening method have shown its effectiveness in improving the reliability of peristaltic pump saddles.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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