1. Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article presents analyzed studies related to the effect of air purity on the increase in live weight of bred poultry, as well as the results of field experience in vivariums with live poultry. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in studying the effect of air purification by a combined recirculator on the increase in live weight of bred poultry. (Materials and methods) Joint tests with the Stavropol State Agrarian University were carried out. The article compares developed “ArUF” recirculator with feed-ozonizer “O|UF” (developed earlier in FSAC VIM) to influence the microorganisms and the standards of maximum permissible concentration at the contamination of the air environment inside the vivarium, change in live weight of birds from improved microclimate due to the work of developed recirculator at a given exposure time of 1 hour of work time and two hours of break during the whole day. The article presents a description of the developed installation for combined disinfection in two ways, as well as the effect of it on poultry. (Results and discussion) A review of the efficiency of processing premises with these methods and the impact on poultry are presented in the article. The treatment of premises not only reduces the concentration of microorganisms, but also leads to an increase in the growth of additional poultry mass. The use of the considered methods of disinfection does not allow to achieve 100 percent disinfection of the premises. The use of a combined installation leads to an increase in the additional mass of poultry by 7 percent compared to the use of ultraviolet radiation alone. (Conclusions) The combined effect allows to get higher indicators for the growth of live weight in poultry, this result is achieved by increasing the efficiency of air disinfection from pathogenic microflora.
FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)
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