Study of Double-Sided Silicon Solar Cells and Modules


Strebkov Dmitriy S.,


The first description of the photoelectric effect in a vertical p-n transition in a silicon crystal dates back to 1941. The development of solar photovoltaic energy began in 1954 after the development of a single-sided planar silicon solar cell in the USA, in which the p-n junction is located parallel to the working illuminated surface. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in conducting an analytical review of the designs and electrophysical characteristics of double-sided solar cells and modules, justifying the leading role of Soviet and Russian scientists in its creation and assessing the prospects for the use of double-sided solar cells and modules in solar photovoltaic energy. (Materials and methods) The first double-sided planar solar cells made of silicon were developed in the USSR in 1969-1970 and were widely used for power supply of low-orbit spacecraft; the first double-sided matrix solar cells with a vertical p-n transition made of silicon were created in the USSR in 1967-1970 and were first used at the Venera-7 interplanetary station in 1970. (Results and discussion) As a result of studies of various types of double-sided matrix solar cells, the following limiting characteristics were obtained: voltage density is 100 volts per square centimeter; linear dependence of the current in the illumination range is up to 10 kilowatts per square centimeter; voltage of one module is of 1000 volts; efficiency at illumination of 10 kilowatts per square meter is of 25 percent; efficiency at monochromatic illumination of 950-1060 nanometers is of 36-42 percent; the maximum voltage of the solar battery is of 32 kilovolts. A global solar power system consisting of three solar power plants measuring 200 by 200 kilometers from double-sided solar modules installed in Australia, Africa and Latin America, and connected by an electric transmission line, will provide year-round and round-the-clock energy supply to the Earth in the amount of 26,000 terawatt-hours per year under the program of transition to carbon-free energy. (Conclusions) During the analysis of the design, manufacturing technologies and characteristics of silicon solar cells with one and two working surfaces, it was revealed that double-sided solar cells have the greatest prospects for development in the solar energy industry.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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