1. Russian Research Institute of Information and Feasibility Study on Engineering Support of Agribusiness
Modern strategies of biotechnological development are expected to dramatically change not only production processes in agriculture, but the requirements to agricultural infrastructure, and the development strategy of rural territories as well. In the early 2000s, the construction of roads and water pipelines, gasifi cation, sustainable supply of electricity were among the main priorities. But current vital needs include sustainable mobile communication, high-speed Internet, Internet of things, digital technologies, robotics, smart farming etc. Only in this case agricultural production may experience maximum synergetic impact. (Research purpose) Evaluation and determination of the most optimal mechanisms and tools for the development and implementation of the biotechnological capacity of agriculture, working out proposals for consolidating the eff orts of the governement and agribusiness to transform the country into a leading agricultural and food power. (Materials and methods) The author analyzed agricultural development trends in modern conditions; evaluated the eff ectiveness of the processes determining the validity and reasonability of the implementation of innovative, best available, additive, digital, and other technologies in the production process. (Results and discussions) It has been determined that, in recent years, the most popular and sought-after are the technologies, which have ensured the achievement of the maximum synergistic eff ect from natural and biological resources utilized by agricultural producers, farmers and agricultural holdings. These include land, agricultural landscapes, soil biocenoses, water, and genetic productivity resources, i.e. plants, livestock, poultry, aquaculture objects, and other cultivated living organisms used by people, while observing the environmental law and preserving natural environment. (Conclusions) It has been established that modern vectors of biotechnological development radically change not only agricultural production processes, but also the requirements for agricultural infrastructure and the concept of rural area development. Currently, the four main strategies based on the paradigm of maximized utilization of the existing agrobiotechnological resources are considered to be the most vital, sustainable, and promising ones.
FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)
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