The Ecological Status of Livestock and Poultry in the Border Regions of Russia and South-East Finland


Bryukhanov A. Yu.1,Huhta H.2,Shalavina E. V.1,Vorobyeva E. A.1,Vasileva N. S.1


1. Institute for Engineering and Environmental Problems in Agricultural Production – branch of Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM

2. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)


Intensifi cation of agricultural production increases the burden on the environment. Modern management and planning of agricultural activity requires a comprehensive assessment of the environmental status of the industry. (Research purpose) To develop recommendations for improving the environmental safety of agricultural production based on the implementation of the best available technologies, methods for monitoring and controlling technological processes for the disposal of organic animal waste. (Materials and methods) The authors studied agricultural enterprises, their specialization and production capacities, technologies for manure and litter utilization. The studies included an assessment of enterprises according to the criteria approved in the recommendations of Helsinki Commission for the Baltic Sea. The authors used standard methods for processing statistical, fi eld and personal data. (Results and discussion) The authors conducted a state analysis of the agro-industrial complex of Leningrad Region in terms of the organic waste formation from animal husbandry and poultry farming, and evaluated the potential for their use. They studied 142 large complexes, which produce more than 90 percent of livestock and poultry products. The average livestock density in Leningrad Region is 2.2 conventional heads per hectare of cultivated agricultural land. They showed that there are 22,200 households in southern Finland, 79 percent of which are plant growing enterprises that are engaged in small-scale production. They took into account the specifi c features of the studied territories in terms of nutrient load and proposed a system of environmental impact regulation. (Conclusions) The authors developed 4 main recommendation sections to reduce the risks of biogenic environmental pollution: the development of an industrial environmental control system based on technological regulations; mastering the system of regional monitoring and coordination of work with organic fertilizers; adoption and implementation of a program of livestock enterprises technological and technical modernization in terms of the organic waste disposal; creation of demonstration platforms for environmental specialists advanced training in the implementation of modern technological solutions.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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