1. Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
Modern highly mechanized agricultural production is characterized by the incompatibility of simultaneous matching of the maximum pressure of agricultural mobile equipment movers on the soil and the possibility of increasing the tractors energy saturation when equipping them with existing wheel engines.(Research purpose) To coordinate the maximum pressure on the soil with the permissible norms, weight utilization factors and the level of tractors energy saturation.(Materials and methods) The authors used a calculated method for determining the maximum pressure on the soil using a universal tire characteristic.(Results and discussion) The authors found that when performing spring works on closing moisture and sowing row crops at a maximum pressure of 80 kilopascals, corresponding to all types of soil, the most mass universal row tractor Belarus 1020 had a maximum pressure of 150 kilopascals, which was 70 kilopascals higher than the permissible one for the corresponding crop shortage. They found that replacing ordinary tires with agrophilic tires could increase the area of the contact spot by 16 percent, while reducing the coefficient of unevenness and increasing the coefficient of use of the adhesion weight. The main condition for replacing ordinary tires with agrophilic tires was to keep the traction force unchanged.(Conclusions) Summarizing the results of the research as agrophilic direction, ensuring the compliance impacts on soil and positively solving the problems of saturation, it is possible to recommend the development of navigation systems in achieving utilization hitch weight equal to 0.5 (low tire pressure), equal to 0.6 (rubber joint with torsion bar suspension) and 0.7 (rubber track). It was found that the conducted research, taking into account the available data on traction tests of the T-250 tractor, would allow to include an agrophilic concept with a hypothetical dependence of the adhesion weight use factor on the longitudinal unevenness coefficient in the revised State Standard 27021-86 “Agricultural and forestry Tractors. Traction classes”.
FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)
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