Seeder for Different Depths of Grain Sowing and Mineral Fertilizers Application


Kem A. A.1,Mikhaltsov E. M.1,Chekusov M. S.1,Shmidt A. N.1


1. Federal State Budgetary Institution Omsk Agrarian Research Center


The article presents the main results of a three-year research on the use of a seeder with openers for different depths of grain sowing and mineral fertilizers application.Research purpose To compare SKP-2.1 seeder equipped with experimental openers and the serially produced one and to determine the yield and quality indicators of spring soft wheat grain, depending on the sowing method and the rate of nitrogen mineral fertilizers application.Materials and methods A comparative field agrotechnical experiment was carried out to compare the indicators of field germination, yield by variants and the quality of grain obtained in different variants of the experiment. The experiment was carried out on Omskaya-36 soft spring wheat. The sowing performed by SKP-2.1 serially produced seeder-cultivator was taken as control. The experimental plots were sown with the same seeder but equipped with combined coulters, which are lancet paws that ensure the placement of granular mineral fertilizers and seeds in soil horizons of different depths.Results and discussion According to the three-year research, the maximum economic effect was obtained at the rate of ammonium nitrate application of 150 kg/ha. As a result, the yield increased by 0.44 t/ha, the cost of additional production accounted for 6740 rub/ha. A slight decrease in the economic effect was revealed with an increase in the rate of fertilizer application. It was determined that the maximum yield and the best grain quality characteristics both in the control sowing options and in the experimental ones were obtained with the application of ammonium nitrate a rate of 150 and 200 kg/ha.Conclusions It was established that the use of a seeder for different-depth grain sowing and mineral fertilizers application, depending on the spring weather conditions and the ammonium nitrate dose, provides an increase in field germination by 11-18%; the average annual increase in grain yield accounted for 16.3%. The gluten content proved to increase from 24.6 (control) to 29.8 percent.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)


General Medicine

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