Development of a replaceable bucket with an additional gripper for OKN-0.5 reclamation canal cleaner


Abdulmazhidov K. A.1,Balabanov B. I.1,Karpov M. V.1


1. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy


The paper substantiates the necessity of developing new replaceable working bodies for the OKN-0.5 reclamation canal cleaner. The study emphasizes the significance and application features of bucket working bodies, considering the prevalent conditions of reclamation drainage canals, which often contain sediment, silting, and various types of vegetation. (Research purpose) The research objective is to investigate the process of cleaning the channel bottom and slopes using the proposed replaceable bucket. (Materials and methods) The paper proposes an enhanced design of a replaceable bucket with an additional gripper. (Results and discussion) The paper outlines the calculations conducted to determine the appropriate bucket width, dimensions of the additional gripper, the forces involved in clearing sediments and silting, and the machine's working capacity. A comprehensive three-dimensional model of the proposed working body with the additional gripper was created using Inventor Pro graphics package. Additionally, the bucket's structural strength was evaluated through finite element method calculations.  The canal cleaner’s stability was assessed with the inclusion of a separate hydraulic drive for the additional gripper, utilizing a mini-program generated in the Mathcad system. (Conclusions) The conclusions drawn from the study recommend a bucket width of 2000 millimeters and the development of an additional gripper with a hydraulic drive. The proposed design proves essential for securing sediments, grassy, and shrubby vegetation in the bucket until they can be efficiently unloaded onto the berm. Based on technical and operational data, the canal cleaner belongs to machines of positional periodic action, with a working capacity of 180-330 meters per hour. The research also identifies criteria for achieving high-quality cleaning of reclamation drainage canals up to 2.5 meters deep.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)


General Medicine

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