1. Akoev M.A., Markusova V.A., Moskaleva O.V., Pislyakov V.V. Rukovodstvo po naukometrii: indikatory razvitiya nauk i tekhnologii : monograph [The Guide to Scientometrics: Indicators for the Development of Science and Technology]. Ekaterinburg. 2014. 249 p. (In Russ.)
2. Alekseev A.A., Tjurnikov Ju.I. Analiz osnovnyh statisticheskih pokazatelej raboty rossijskih ozhogovyh stacionarov za 2009–2012 gody [Analysis of the main statistical indicators of the work of the Russian burn hospitals for 2009–2012]. Kombustiologija [Сombustiology]. 2013. N 49/50. (Special’nyj vypusk. Cbornik nauchnyh rabot IV s#ezda kombustiologov Rossii [Special edition. Collection of scientific works of the IV Congress of combustiologists of Russia]) (In Russ.)
3. Alekseev A.A., Tjurnikov Ju.I. Analiz raboty ozhogovyh stacionarov Rossijskoj Federacii za 2016 g. [Analysis of the work of burn hospitals in the Russian Federation for 2016]. Termicheskie porazhenija i ih posledstvija : V s#ezd kombustiologov Rossii [Thermal injuries and their consequences: V congress of combustologists of Russia] Moskva. 2017. Pp. 5–8. (In Russ.)
4. Alekseev A.A., Tjurnikov Ju.I. Osnovnye statisticheskie pokazateli raboty ozhogovyh stacionarov Rossijskoj Federacii za 2013 god [Key statistical indicators of the work of burn hospitals in the Russian Federation for 2013]. Kombustiologija [Сombustiology]. 2014. N 52/53. (Special’nyj vypusk. Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Ozhogi i medicina katastrof» [Special edition. Materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Burns and disaster medicine”]). (In Russ.)
5. Alekseev A.A., Tjurnikov Ju.I. Osnovnye statisticheskie pokazateli raboty ozhogovyh stacionarov Rossijskoj Federacii za 2015 god [Main statistical indicators of the work of burn hospitals of the Russian Federation for 2015]. Kombustiologija [Сombustiology]. 2016. N 56/57. (Special’nyj vypusk Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Termicheskie porazhenija i ih posledstvija» [Special. Issue. Materials of the scientific-practical conference with international participation “Thermal injuries and their consequences”]). (In Russ.)