Interaction of aviation medical teams with ambulance, emergency medical care teams and hospitals in the management of mechanically ventilated patients


Gumenyuk S. A.1,Sheptunov G. V.1,Potapov V. I.1ORCID


1. Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Care оf the Moscow City Health Department


Relevance. Acute respiratory failure (ARF) and acute cardiopulmonary failure (ACPF) are unavoidable, and often – the leading syndromes in any critical condition, especially in case of multiple organ failure syndrome as a regular stage in the course of previously incurable conditions. Even a full range of intensive care measures in this category of patients does not always give the desired result. According to various authors, with the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome, the mortality rate reaches 80 %.Intention is to determine the role of the aviation medical teams of the emergency medical service-disaster medicine in ensuring the timely availability of high-tech methods for patients who need them, regardless of the patient’s location.Methodology. Activities of the aviation medical teams of the Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Care of the Moscow City Health Department for the medical evacuation of patients and victims in emergency situations with ARF and ACPF were analyzed.Results and Discussion. There were analyzed interactions of aviation medical teams with the emergency medical response units of the territorial center for disaster medicine and with medical organizations during the medical evacuation of patients with ARF and ACPF. An algorithm and a scheme of interaction between air medical teams are proposed to optimize medical evacuation of these patients.Conclusion. An analysis of the activities of air medical teams revealed their advantages in providing care for patients with ARF and ACPF.




Psychiatry and Mental health,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Clinical Psychology,Emergency Medicine,Emergency Medical Services

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