Assessment of occupational risks and severity of health disorders in the divisions of the Federal Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia


Kharin V. V.1,Bobrinev E. V.1,Udavtsova E. Yu.1,Kondashov A. A.1,Shavyrina T. A.1


1. All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection, EMERCOM of Russia


Relevance. Currently, a significant number of approaches to the assessment of occupational risks as a result of exposure to harmful and dangerous factors of industrial activity are presented in the scientific, regulatory and legal literature. To assess occupational risks for the personnel of fire protection, risks of injury, morbidity, disability and mortality are calculated. However, no single method exists for calculating the integral index for final assessment of occupational health risk in personnel of Federal Fire Service (FFS) of EMERCOM of Russia.Intention: To develop a mathematical model for assessing occupational risks for fire protection units including workdays lost related to health disorders severity.Methodology. When developing a mathematical model for assessing occupational risks for the FPS of EMERCOM of Russia including workdays lost related to health disorders severity, risks to health and life of employees were directly assessed based on the following statistics (2015–2019): a) probability of hazardous situations; and b) the amount of health damage expressed as workdays lost. Coefficients of the health damage severity in the mathematical model are justified. For assessing rare occupational risks as well as in small groups, the continuity correction is proposed for injury and death risks.Results and Discussion. Various methods of assessing occupational risks for industrial activity are considered. The mathematical model for occupational risk assessment in the divisions of the FPS of EMERCOM of Russia based on workdays lost related to health disorders severity helps predict occupational risks to life and health. Occupational risks are calculated in terms of workdays lost related to health damage severity for employees of the FPS of EMERCOM of Russia for 2015–2019.Conclusion. Based on the mathematical model of occupational risks for the FPS of EMERCOM of Russia including workdays lost related to health disorders severity, specific occupational risks can be predicted for every specific workplace (position) in various regions of the Russian Federation.




Psychiatry and Mental health,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Clinical Psychology,Emergency Medicine,Emergency Medical Services

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