Analysis of morbidity indicators in the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


Ivanov N. M.1,Ichitovkina E. G.2,Evdokimov V. I.2ORCID,Liholetov A. G.1


1. Department of material, technical and medical support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

2. Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine; Kirov Military Medical Academy


Introduction. The extreme work conditions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel strain the functional reserves of body systems accelerate the emergence of occupational diseases and even death. By ensuring safety of the population and social stability in general, combat readiness largely depends on strong health of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs workforce.Methods. The object of the study was the database of morbidity rates among employees with special ranks of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs from 2008 to 2023. Morbidity rates were correlated with chapters of diseases and causes of death according to the ICD 10th Revision (ICD-10). Average long-term data on morbidity and labor losses were calculated per 1000 (‰) employees, primary disability – per 10 thousand (10–4 ), mortality – per 100 thousand (10–5) employees. The tables present the structure, ranks and disease development dynamics. To calculate the social and epidemiological significance of morbidity, indicators of fatality-associated disease categories were assigned the coefficient 3, primary disability – 2, primary morbidity – 1.5, other types of morbidity and workforce loss – 1. To compare the obtained statistics with morbidity rates in extreme professions, considering the due course of disease development and impossibility to yield absolute data for the latter, the study calculated the arithmetic mean data and errors (M ± m) or medians and quartiles, if different from normal (Me [Q1 ; Q3]). The dynamics of indicators was assessed using time series analysis and calculation of a second-order polynomial trend.Results and analysis. The long-term average rate of general morbidity was 857.1 ‰ (868.5 ± 35.7 ‰), primary morbid- ity – 545.7 ‰ (553.6 ± 27.5 ‰), outpatient follow-up – 123.8 ‰ (125.9 ± 7.5 ‰), loss of workforce – 572.4 (576.1 ± 28.5 ‰), days out of work – 7398 ‰ (7506 ± 391 ‰), primary disability – 10.9 • 10–4 (11.1 ± 1.3 •10–4), mortality – 90.1 • 10–5 (92.4 ± 9.9 • 10–5). With high coefficients of determination, polynomial trends in overall morbidity, primary disability and mortality show a decrease in data, primary morbidity, loss of workforce and days out of work resemble a U-curve, showing an increase in indicators due to COVID-19-associated morbidity cases in 2020–2022. The indicators for injuries, poisoning and some other consequences of externally caused disorders (Chapter XIX) represented the main chapters of diseases that – with a share of 24.6% – were the key contributors to the social and epidemiological significance of morbidity among the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, followed by respiratory diseases (Chapter X) – 20.3 % , circulatory system disorders (Chapter IX) – 18.7 %, neoplasms (Chapter II) – 6.8 %, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases (Chapter XIII) – 6.5 %, digestive disorders (Chapter XI). In total, these сhapters of diseases accounted for 82.3 % of the entire social and epidemiological significance of morbidity.Conclusion. Studies have shown lower incidence rates than in the Russian population of working age. Timely detection, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of diseases contained in the ICD main chapters can significantly improve the health status of personnel of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.



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