1. I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University
Relevance. The profession of rescuer is currently one of the most demanded due to increased number and severity of emergency and disaster consequences. Professional success is preconditioned by comprehensive knowledge, solid skills, strong motivation and awareness of essential professional prerequisites.The objective is to analyze the study motivation in college students mastering the program “Protection in emergency situations” across different years of study, with a focus on academic achievements.Methods. Study motivation was assessed using the method developed by Tatyana I. Ilyina among the 2nd to 4th year college students; students’ academic performance was analyzed as well.Results. The assessment of motivation showed that students are actively and persistently striving to master their professional abilities and skills throughout the studies. Motivation was high among students of the 2nd year (74.7 %), the 3rd year (66.3%), and the 4th year (67.1 %). However, some students apply efforts in their studies in order to obtain a formal degree. In some cases, for example, no statistically reliable correlation was revealed between academic achievements and motivation to acquire knowledge, while showing positive correlations between motivation to master a profession and obtaining a degree.Conclusion. Improvements in students’ professional motivation throughout their studies is a prerequisite for successful academic performance, allowing to nurture motivated and committed professionals in general.
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