Experience of air medical teams of the Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Care of the Moscow City Health Department for 2015—2019


Gumenyuk S. A.1,Fedotov S. A.1,Potapov V. I.1ORCID,Sysoev A. Yu.1


1. Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Care of the Moscow City Health Department


Relevance. Due to busy roads of large cities and the resulting slow movement of ambulances with severely affected patients in need of specialized emergency care, new organizational technologies for medical evacuation support as well as modern means of transporting patients to qualified hospitals are required.Intention is to analyze activities of the aviation medical teams of the Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Care in Moscow in 2015-2019.Methodology. Using the automated information-analytical system “Disaster Medicine of the Moscow City”, activities of aviation medical teams over the last 5 years (2015-2019) were analyzed retrospectively in the Scientific and Practical Center of Emergency Medical Care. Ambulance helicopters are fully equipped to provide comprehensive intensive care for severely affected patients without noticeable deterioration of their condition, and utilization of this equipment was also assessed.Results and Discussion. Main stages of air ambulance formation in Moscow are described. Experience of aviation medical teams over the past 5 years in providing emergency medical care at the pre-hospital stage to those affected in emergency situations and severely ill patients is presented. The description of medical equipment of ambulance helicopters intended for providing emergency medical care to adults and children, including newborns, is given. The number of calls for aviation medical teams over the past five years is provided along with basic reasons and amount of night flights.Most often helicopters were used for transporting patients with severe concomitant and multiple injuries as a result of road accidents. Medical team composition of ambulance helicopters and the number of helipads on the territory of medical organizations of the city and the territories attached to Moscow are given.Conclusion. Based on the analysis of aviation medical teams activities, further ways to improve and develop the aviation medical service of the city of Moscow can be outlined to expand its use.




Psychiatry and Mental health,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Clinical Psychology,Emergency Medicine,Emergency Medical Services

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