1. Kirov Military Medical Academy; Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia
2. Kirov Military Medical Academy
Relevance. The extreme conditions of the service determine the probability of servicemen' erroneous actions, stress, and often a decrease in the functional reserves of the body. This results in diseases and injuries.Intention: To analyze the indicators of injuries in the contract military personnel (privates, sergeants and foremen) of the Russian Armed Forces in 2003-2019.Methodology. The selective statistical analysis of medical reports on the state of health of military personnel by the form 3/MED was carried out. The military units with the contract military personnel about 80 % of the total personnel were under consideration. The indicators of injuries were correlated with the blocks (S00-T98) of the ICD-10 Chapter XIX “Injuries, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes”.Results and their discussion. In 2003-2019, the injuries incidence among the contact military personnel by ICD-10 Chapter XIX was (18.39 ± 1.74) ‰. Its percentage in the general structure of incidence rate for all ICD-10 Chapters was (3.7 ± 0.3) %. Corresponding hospitalization rates were (12.12 ± 0.88) ‰ with the percentage of (5.0 ± 0.4) %, working days loss - (311.5 ± 26.0) ‰ and (7.9 ± 0.6) %, dismissal - (0.24 ± 0.03) ‰ and (6.2 ± 0.7) %, mortality - (51.48 ± 4.53) per 100 thousand of personnel and (50.5 ± 2.2) %, respectively. There was a decrease in the rate and proportion of injuries in the general structure of analyzed indicators of morbidity. The most common injuries among the contract military personnel were injuries to the head (ICD-10 Chapter XIX block 1, S00-S09), wrist and hand (block 7, S60-S69), ankle and foot (block 10, S90-S99), knee and lower leg (block 9, S80-S89), elbow and forearm (block 6, S50-S59), shoulder and upper arm (block 5, S40-S49). The structure of the types of injuries to the areas of the body was presented. The military epidemiological assessment of the significance of the contract military personnel injuries was performed. The 1st rank of the negative health effects significance was assigned to head injuries (block 1), injuries involving multiple body regions (block 11, T00-T07) ranked 2nd, sequelae of injuries, of poisoning and of other consequences of external causes (block 22, T90-T98) ranked 3rd, injuries to the ankle and foot (block 10) ranked 4th and injuries to the wrist and hand (block 7) ranked 5th. In total, these injuries amounted to 70.9 % of the assessed structure. Concerning trauma circumstances, many injuries occurred during off-duty hours (38.3 %). Injuries on combat duty comprised 3.4 %, during combat training - 17.4 %, on duty - 4.8 %, when using weapons and military equipment - 4.1 %, during household work - 5.4 %, during construction work - 1.7 %. Other circumstances were associated with 24.9 % of injuries.Conclusion. The obtained medical and statistical indicators of the injuries can determine the strategy of safe conditions for military professional activity, injuries prevention, medical and health promotion and rehabilitation measures for contract military personnel.
Psychiatry and Mental health,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Clinical Psychology,Emergency Medicine,Emergency Medical Services
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