Biochemical effects in deep-sea divers exposed to aquatic environmental factors


Bychkov S. A.1ORCID,Zverev D. P.2ORCID,Klenkov I. R.2ORCID,Yarkov A. M.1ORCID,Israfilov Z. M.2ORCID


1. Center for Underwater Research of the Russian Geographical Society

2. Kirov Military Medical Academy


Relevance. Diving equipment and diving launch techniques witness continuous improvements, which allow individuals to more effectively perform various tasks underwater. A controlled electronic closed circuit rebreather has been used in amateur diving in our country for more than 20 years. It is therefore necessary to assess the biochemical effects in deep-sea divers wearing deep sea diving equipment to ensure its safety and functionality in professional diving and the activities of dedicated departmental structures.The objective is to assess the biochemical effects in deep-sea divers in controlled electronic closed circuit rebreather, with a similar level of intravascular decompression gas formation under the influence of aquatic environment factors.Methods. During the study, 9 blood biochemical parameters were evaluated using the Fujifilm DRI-CHEM NX500 apparatus in 6 divers before and after deep-sea descents. In total, 14 diving descents were performed in a controlled electronic closed circuit rebreather to depths from 60 to 100 m. Also, after each diving descent, the level of intravascular decompression gas formation was assessed using ultrasonic location with the constant-wave Doppler effect.Results and Discussion. As a result of these studies, a significant increase in the values of transaminases (ALT, AST) and urea was established, associated with increased partial pressure of oxygen in hyperbaric aquatic environment. The results of the analysis revealed that indicators of the CNS oxygen intoxication correlated with K+ ions concentration and glucose levels; a correlation between Na+ ions and Cl- ions concentration was established, as well as the inverse relationship between the concentration of urea and creatinine and the level of intravascular decompression gas formation. It is noteworthy that a correlation was found between the level of intravascular decompression gas formation and the CNS oxygen intoxication, whereby an increase in the CNS oxygen intoxication leads to increased levels of intravascular decompression gas formation.Conclusion. The studied blood biochemical parameters did not go beyond the reference values and had slight individual variations, which confirms the safety of the technology of descents in diving breathing apparatus with a controlled electronic closed circuit rebreather at depths of more than 60 m. The results of the correlation analysis revealed changes in carbohydrate and water-electrolyte metabolism in the body of divers after a deep-sea descent due to the action of an increased partial pressure of oxygen and intravascular decompression gas formation.




Psychiatry and Mental health,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Clinical Psychology,Emergency Medicine,Emergency Medical Services

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