Miocene lithostratigraphy of the northern and central Vienna Basin (Austria)


Harzhauser Mathias1ORCID,Kranner Matthias12,Mandic Oleg1,Strauss Philipp3,Siedl Wolfgang3,Piller Werner E.2


1. Geological-Palaeontological Department , Natural History Museum Vienna , Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna , Austria

2. Institute of Earth Sciences (Geology and Palaeontology), NAWI Graz Geocenter , University of Graz , Heinrichstr. 26, 8010 Graz , Austria

3. OMV Exploration & Production GmbH , Trabrennstraße 6-8, 1020 Vienna , Austria


Abstract For the first time, a concise lithostratigraphic scheme for the lower and middle Miocene (Ottnangian – Badenian) of the northern and central Vienna Basin is proposed, which is based on the integration of core-material, well-log data and seismic information from OMV. For all formations and members type sections are proposed, geographic distribution and thickness are provided, typical depositional environments and fossils are described and age constraints are discussed. This time frame allows for a more reliable calculation of sedimentation rates. This in turn might be important for the reconstruction of the tectonic history of the Vienna Basin as we do not see fundamental differences between the piggy-back stage and the subsequent pull-apart regime. Following lithostratigraphic units are formalized herein and/or are newly introduced: Bockfließ Formation (Ottnangian), Aderklaa Formation, Gänserndorf Member and Schönkirchen Member (Karpatian), Baden Group, Rothneusiedl Formation and Mannsdorf Formation (lower Badenian), Auersthal Formation, Matzen Formation, Baden Formation, Leitha Formation (middle Badenian) and Rabensburg Formation (upper Badenian).


Austrian Geological Society (OGG)








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