1. Association of American Medical Colleges. AAMC Data. U.S. Medical School Faculty, 2018. Table A-7: Applicants, First-Time Applicants, Acceptees, and Matriculants to U.S. Medical Schools by Sex, 2009–2010 through 2018–2019. http://www.aamc.org/download/492954/data/factstablea7_2.pdf Accessed August 16, 2019
2. Association of American Medical Colleges. AAMC Data. U.S. Medical School Faculty, 2018. Table 8: Medical School Faculty by Sex and Race/Ethnicity, 2018. http://www.aamc.org/download/495038/data/18table8.pdf Accessed August 16, 2019
3. Through a Gender Lens: A View of Gender and Leadership Positions in a Department of Medicine