Ruderal vegetation (Ruderalophyton) of transformed habitats of the Rostov-on-Don urban ecosystem, Russia


Litvinskaya S. A.1ORCID,Gorbov S. N.2ORCID,Dzigunova Yu. V.2ORCID


1. Kuban State University; Southern Federal University

2. Southern Federal University


Aim. To investigate the features of the abiotic (soils) and biotic (flora and vegetation) components of ruderal communities (Ruderalophyton) of the urban ecosystem in the conditions of the Rostov agglomeration.Material and Methods. The morphoecological analysis of the flora (144 species of vascular plants) was shown. Data were obtained of the characteristic growth features of roadside communities of the Southern Federal University Botanical Garden (floristic diversity of 53 species) and of ruderal communities of new residential building plots in the peripheral part of the city and abandoned houses in the central part of the city.Results. Abiotic conditions for the habitats of ruderal plants are no longer natural because the local Chernozem root‐inhabited and humusaccumulative surface horizons have been almost completely stripped away. At the same time, cenotically the communities are multicomponent and floristically saturated with high projective coverage. During the process of anthropogenic vegetation evolution, a new type of cenosis has formed, which is adapted in ecological succession processes to all components of the urban ecosystem.Conclusion. The ruderal vegetation of the Rostov agglomeration is particularly resistant. It develops urban horizons, which are characterized by a high proportion of anthropogenic inclusions; household, and industrial waste, which is often contaminated with organic and inorganic pollutants. Plant communities developing on such substrates are multicomponent, floristically saturated and have formed a high degree of projective cover.


Institute of Applied Ecology


Ecology,Geography, Planning and Development,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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