Bastos Felipe, ,Cabral Adeildo,Alcântara Perboyre,Maia Lino, ,
<p>The worldwide generation of construction and demolition waste is about 30% to 35% of the total solid waste produced annually. In addition, the extraction of minerals leaves a high-grade environmental liability with tailings, such as kaolin clay, Brazil being one of the countries with the largest deposits and production of this mineral in the world. The kaolin clay extraction serves several industries such as ceramics, crockery, and paper, among others. The objective of this work is to insert these two wastes as raw material of construction elements, specifically masonry concrete blocks, thus giving an end to the residues, demonstrating their reutilization potential. Here, blocks were manufactured with replacement of natural aggregates, stone powder, and sand, by construction and demolition waste and of kaolin clay waste. The replacement percentages were up to 34% and 16%, respectively. The blocks made with pneumatic vibration compacting procedure presented strength beyond than what is established by norm, thus giving a favorable perspective of use for these residues as building elements.</p>
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
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