<abstract><p>By a fractional quadratic transformation, an indirect-PH curve can have rational offsets. In this paper, I study properties of planar sextic indirect-PH curves, in terms of their Bézier control polygon legs. With our results, sextic Bézier curves can be efficiently tested whether they are indirect-PH curves. The main strategy to achieve our results is using complex representation of planar parametric curve. Sextic indirect-PH curves can be classified into three classes according to different factorizations of their hodographs. Necessary and sufficient conditions for all classes of sextic indirect-PH curves can be described by non-linear complex systems. By analyzing these non-linear systems, algebraic conditions for a sextic Bézier curve to be an indirect-PH curve are first discussed, then geometric characteristics in terms of legs of its control polygon are revealed.</p></abstract>
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
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