Bi-clean and clean Hopf modules


Puspita Nikken Prima1,Wijayanti Indah Emilia2


1. Department of Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof Jacob Rais, Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275, Indonesia

2. Department of Mathematics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55128, Indonesia


<abstract><p>Let $ R $ be a commutative ring with multiplicative identity, $ C $ a coassociative and counital $ R $-coalgebra, $ B $ an $ R $-bialgebra. A clean comodule is a generalization and dualization of a clean module. An $ R $-module $ M $ is called a clean module if the endomorphism ring of $ M $ over $ R $ (denoted by $ End_{R}(M) $) is clean. Thus, any element of $ End_{R}(M) $ can be expressed as a sum of a unit and an idempotent element of $ End_{R}(M) $. Moreover, for a right $ C $-comodule $ M $, the endomorphism set of $ C $-comodule $ M $ denoted by $ End^{C}(M) $ is a subring of $ End_{R}(M) $. A $ C $-comodule $ M $ is a clean comodule if the $ End^{C}(M) $ is a clean ring. A Hopf module $ M $ over $ B $ is a $ B $-module and a $ B $-comodule that satisfies the compatible conditions. This paper considers the notions of a clean ring, clean module, clean coalgebra, and clean comodule in relation to the Hopf Module. We divide our discussion into two parts, i.e., clean and bi-clean Hopf modules. A $ B $-Hopf module $ M $ is said to be clean if the endomorphism ring of $ M $ is clean, and $ M $ is a bi-clean Hopf module if $ M $ is clean as a module over $ B $ and also clean as a comodule over $ B $. Moreover, we give sufficient conditions of (bi)-clean bialgebras and Hopf modules related to the cleanness concept of modules and comodules.</p></abstract>


American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)


General Mathematics







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