Generalized conformable operators: Application to the design of nonlinear observers


Meléndez-Vázquez Fidel, ,Fernández-Anaya Guillermo,Muñóz-Vázquez Aldo Jonathan,Hernández-Martínez Eduardo Gamaliel, ,


<abstract><p>In this work, a pair of observers are proposed for a class of nonlinear systems whose dynamics involve a generalized differential operator that encompasses the conformable derivatives. A generalized conformable exponential stability function, based on this derivative, is introduced in order to prove some Lyapunov-like theorems. These theorems help to verify the stability of the observers proposed, which is exponential in a generalized sense. The performance of the observation scheme is evaluated by means of numerical simulations. Moreover, a comparison of the results obtained with integer, fractional, and generalized conformable derivatives is made.</p></abstract>


American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)


General Mathematics

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