Li Risong, ,Lu Tianxiu,Yang Xiaofang,Jiang Yongxi, ,
<abstract><p>As a stronger form of multi-sensitivity, the notion of ergodic multi-sensitivity (resp. strongly ergodically multi-sensitivity) is introduced. In particularly, it is proved that every topologically double ergodic continuous selfmap (resp. topologically double strongly ergodic selfmap) on a compact metric space is ergodically multi-sensitive (resp. strongly ergodically multi-sensitive). And for any given integer $ m\geq 2 $, $ f $ is ergodically multi-sensitive (resp. strongly ergodically multi-sensitive) if and only if so is $ f^{m} $. Also, it is shown that if $ f $ is a continuous surjection, then $ f $ is ergodically multi-sensitive (resp. strongly ergodically multi-sensitive) if and only if so is $ \sigma_{f} $, where $ \sigma_{f} $ is the shift selfmap on the inverse limit space $ \lim\limits_{\leftarrow}(X, f) $. Moreover, it is proved that if $ f:X\rightarrow X $ (resp. $ g:Y\rightarrow Y $) is a map on a nontrivial metric space $ (X, d) $ (resp. $ (Y, d') $), and $ \pi $ is a semiopen factor map between $ (X, f) $ and $ (Y, g) $, then the ergodic multi-sensitivity (resp. the strongly ergodic multi-sensitivity) of $ g $ implies the same property of $ f $.</p></abstract>
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)