1. L. T. Ashepkov and U. Badam, Models and Methods of Survival Theory for Controlled System, Vladivostok: DalNauka, 2006.
2. U. Badam, A simple model of improving survival in economical systems, Optimization of Control (Eds. P. M. Pardalos, I. Tseveendorj and R. Enkhbat), World Scientific, (2003), 287–295.
3. U. Badam.Optimality conditions for problems of survival theory, Izvestiya Vuzov, 2 (2002), 18-22.
4. U. Badam, Models and problems of survival theory for linear discrete system, Intellect and Control, (2002), 35–50.
5. U. Badam, R. Enkhbat and Ts. Batchimeg, Application of survival theory in taxation, Journal of Indusdrial and Management Optimization, accepted and to appear in 2020.