1. On the problem of turbulence,;L. Landau;C. R. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS (N.S.),1944
2. Navier-Stokes Equations and Turbulence, vol. 83 of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications,;C. Foias;Cambridge University Press,2001
3. Asymptotic Behavior of Dissipative Systems, vol. 25 of Mathematical Surveys and Monographs,;J. K. Hale;American Mathematical Society,1988
4. Geometric Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations, vol. 840 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics,;D. Henry;Springer-Verlag,1981
5. Attractors of Evolution Equations, vol. 25 of Studies in Mathematics and its Applications,;A. V. Babin;North-Holland Publishing Co.,1992