Design a Mobile Learning Framework for students in Higher Education


Ahmed Awder Mohammed,Ghareb Mazen Ismaeel


ML (mobile learning) has extended e-learning to a new paradigm of “anywhere, anytime learning”. The use of 3G and 4G Phones (high-speed data transfer) will be represented as a great opportunity for both learners and teachers to meet together, access and exchange information in virtual spaces whilst on the move. The aim of this work is to design a mobile learning framework for Students in higher education. Thus, this will provide better quality of teaching. Additionally, Mobile learning (M-learning) has turned into a critical instructive innovation part in advanced education. M-learning makes it workable for students to learn, team up, and impart thoughts among each other as much as web innovation and improvements will allow. In any case, M-learning acknowledgment by learners and instructors is basic to the occupations of M-learning frameworks. Attitudes towards M-learning innovation is an imperative method to measuring whether or not learners and instructors are prepared to utilize M-learning. Such  attitudes will serve to distinguish qualities and shortcomings and encourage the advancement of the innovation foundation. We will investigate students and instructors' state of the arts in using M-learning in higher institutes for some of Private and Public universities of Ministry of higher education. As a result of student feedback regarding M-learning methods of teaching, a suitable framework for M-learning is proposed by reviewing many other frameworks and also by the analysis of results of a survey that asked many students and staff in higher education fields.


University of Human Development

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