Investigating the Integration of the Key Values into English Language Textbooks Used in Public Primary and Middle Schools




1. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi


The purpose of this study is to investigate the key values in the texts, photos, and audio files and to show the frequencies of the values in the English language textbooks. In the study, 2nd–8th grade English language textbooks accepted for use by the Board of Education for 5 (five) years as of the 2018 - 2019 academic year were used. The study is qualitative research, and document analysis was used as the research design. The ten key values were examined in the light of the table “Values and Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Values” published by the MoNE. The descriptive analysis approach was used for data analysis. The findings were broached to three experienced ELT researchers throughout the study to prevent personal bias and increase the study’s reliability. As a result of the study, the value of friendship has been found to be the most common in 2nd–5th grade English language textbooks. On the other hand, the value of responsibility is the most common in 6th-8th grade English language textbooks. The value of honesty is not found in the 2nd and 3rd grade English language textbooks, and it is the least used value in the 8th grade textbook. The total frequency of the values rises from 2nd grade English Language textbooks to the following grades textbooks except for 7th and 8th grade English language textbooks, and the highest total number of values was found as 420 in the 6th grade English textbook. The values are mostly given in the photos in the 2nd and 3rd grade English language textbooks, while in the 4th–8th grade English language textbooks, the values are mostly given in the texts. As a result of the study, it has been found that the values are not given homogeneously.


Bilgicagi Education Consulting and Publishing Industry Trade Limited Company

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