Task-Based Language Learning and Beginning Language Learners: Examining Classroom-Based Small Group Learning in Grade 1 French Immersion


Bourgoin Renée,Le Bouthillier Josée


Elementary French immersion (FI) language arts teachers often organize instruction around small learning groups. Students rotate through learning stations/centres and work independently with their peers on L2 literacy skills. This study examined how principles of task-based language teaching (TBLT) can be used and/or adapted to further support beginning L2 learners working independently at various literacy stations. This classroom-based study employed a pragmatic ‘research design’ methodology. Researchers worked alongside Grade 1 FI teachers (n=3) in the development and classroom implementation of language/literacy tasks designed around TBLT principles for use in literacy centres. Data collected included classroom observations in two Grade 1 FI classrooms, samples of students’ work, teacher interviews, and task-based lesson plans.  Findings suggest that integrating/adapting TBLT principles to small group independent learning stations was particularly impactful in supporting young beginning language learners with extended language output, peer interaction, learner autonomy, emerging spontaneous language use, and student engagement. Additional instructional focus on corrective feedback, oral communication skills, and focus on form and function were also reported. 


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Cited by 4 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Teaching in a French Immersion Setting: A Review of the Who, the What and the How;Open Journal of Modern Linguistics;2024

2. A task-based framework for oral language instruction in support of young language learners in French immersion;TASK / Journal on Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning;2023-10-04

3. Le rôle du jeu symbolique dans la motivation intrinsèque à s’exprimer à l’oral dans une langue seconde au primaire;La Revue de l’AQEFLS: Revue de l’Association québécoise des enseignants de français langue seconde;2022

4. Increasing Students’ Reading Skill Through the Use of Task-Based Digital Teaching Materials in Online Learning;Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE-5 2022);2022








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