Hadiths; can be evaluated differently according to time, place and people. It is clear that even the Prophet had differences in his expressions according to conditions and individuals. Apart from this, this time-dependent change caused the Prophet to make changes in his expressions even when he was still alive. These interpretive changes continued increasingly in the generation of Companions and Tabiun. In addition, the authority of the sunnah, which exists in both religious and social life, has been seen as a fulcrum in every field of life. From this point of view, the subject of the article is; Hz. In the interpretation of the hadiths of the Prophet; It is about the effect of periodic conditions and the use of the power of sunnah as a tool of istimdâd. The aim of the research is to reveal that the evaluations made on the rumors that contain universal provisions cannot always be universal and that the explanations in question can only reflect the conditions of the period in which they were said. With this; Beyond the fact that hadiths guide people's ideas, it is aimed to reveal the fact that sometimes the presuppositions are shown as if they were in the narrations. In terms of scope and limitations; Periodically, the Ottoman Empire in the first quarter of the twentieth century was preferred. Because at that time lived; Political, economic and military events are among the time periods when it is most needed to benefit from the spiritual power of the narrations. As an individual; The name Babanzâde Ahmed Naim (1872-1934) was preferred because he was well-equipped in both "dirayah al-hadith" and "rivayah al-hadith" sciences and also had an active role in his era. Due to the fact that Ahmed Naim has many works in different scientific disciplines, a limitation has been made on the hadith articles he wrote in the "Sabil al-Rashad" Journal. Because these writings directly examine the issues of the period. Because these articles deal directly with the problems of the period. In the article, it is stated that the events that took place in the aforementioned period were directly effective in the interpretation of the hadith and that Muslims believed in Hz. It is based on the assumption that the Prophet was channeled in the desired direction by making use of his authority. Methodically; In this study, it has been tried to reveal why and to what extent Ahmed Naim prioritized the titles such as staying away from tribalism, being a ummah, devotion to the sunnah, admiration for the west and jihad, through the cause-effect relationship, with an inductive method. In addition, based on the event-hadith relationship, the method of comparison between the narrations selected every week and the events that took place during those days was frequently used. Study; It is important because it tries to see the position of hadiths as a source of motivation, to point out how effective external factors are in approaching the narrations, and to reveal the effect of referencing from a higher authority to reinforce the view through Ahmed Naim. As a result, Ahmed Naim prioritized the main problems that he witnessed during his lifetime and that he considered as a problem, in this way, he made the hadiths a motivational factor by sometimes taking them out of their context and endeavored to direct his interlocutors in this way. Research; It also points to the possible problematic area on hadith commentaries and current hadith interpretations in general, as it gives information that periodical elements and personal preferences cannot be generalized in narration interpretations and can only address the time in which they were made.
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