During the fall, many people in West Texas have worsening respiratory symptomswhile cotton is being harvested and ginned. A common complaint is that cotton itself is toblame for nasal and pulmonary manifestations. Allergic sensitivity to cotton is actually quiteuncommon, even in workers in textile and processing plants. Mold, especially Alternaria andAspergillus species, are occasionally found in cotton crops and can be a source of allergensand mycotoxins. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from bacteria could have a role in reductionof FEV1 in byssinosis. Enterobacter in cotton dust possesses highly potent LPS which canelicit a strong inflammatory response in workers. Defoliants, desiccants, pesticides, fertilizersand exhaust fumes are also potential irritants of the respiratory tract. Cotton alone is not theprimary source of illness during autumn months. A multitude of allergens, microbes, irritants,and chemical agents that co-exist or are a byproduct of cotton harvesting and ginning arepotential contributors to respiratory disease.
The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles (SWRCCC)
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