Quantum Entangled Frequencies and Coherence in Bioenergetic Systems


Schmieke Marcus


Holistic Health can be understood as the coherence of the human being as a whole including his organism, mind, and relationship to his environment. Quantum entanglement of subsystems on all levels of the human being is responsible for the wholeness of the living entity.  The sum total of entanglements is defined here as an individual Information Field which corresponds to the ancient vedic concept of akasha. Entangled frequencies might be able to resonate with and influence human bioenergetic processes and systems with the aim of creating coherence of the bioenergetic system, both within the individual and between the individual and the surrounding fields. Here a bioenergetic process is proposed that uses entangled frequencies to increase the coherence of living systems selected through biofeedback of a Quantum Noise Generator, which seems to be correlated to the ancient vedic concept of prana. It has been tested in a controlled observation study for its effect on the sense of coherence of 3545 participants. The promising results of this study are additionally presented here.


Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya


Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine

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