1. H. F. Alderfer, American Local Government and Administration (New York 1956), 6, 8.
2. The Oxford English Dictionary (Vol. 18) lists nine categories of meanings under «township».
3. I. H. Adams, Agrarian Landscape Terms: A Glossary for Historical Geography (Institute of British Geographers, Special Publication No. 9) (London 1976), 62.
4. R. A. Dodgshon, The Origin of British Field Systems: An Interpretation (London 1980), 83.
5. D. R. McManis, Colonial New England: A Historical Geography (New York 1975) 53; J. Dickinson, The Massachusetts Charter and the Bay Colony (1628–1660), in A. B. Hart (Ed), Commonwealth History of Massachusetts (New York 1966) 93–126; See, for example, the act of 1636 which is reproduced on p. 121 as the Township Act, in spite of the fact that the word «township» does not appear in the Act. See; Alderfer, op. cit.