1. W. Cronon, Changes in the Land: Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England, (New York 1983) 19–53; R. White, Land Use, Environment, and Social Change: The Shaping of Island County, Washington, (Seattle 1980) 14–53; G. G. Whitney, From Coastal Wilderness to Fruited Plain: A History of Environmental Change in Temperate North America 1500 to the Present, (Cambridge 1994) 53–97; D. Worster, Doing environmental history, in D. Worster (Ed.), The Ends of the Earth: Perspectives on Modern Environmental History, (New York 1988) 294–7. The idea of nonequlibrium nature complicates the task of creating a biophysical baseline; see K. S. Zimmerer and K. R. Young, Introduction: the geographical nature of landscape change, in K. S. Zimmerer and K. R. Young (Eds), Nature's Geography: New Lessons for Conservation in Developing Countries, (Madison 1998) 6–18.
2. J. Fairhead and M. Leach, Misreading the African Landscape: Society and Ecology in a Forest-Savanna Mosaic, (Cambridge 1996) 237–95; J. Fairhead and M. Leach, Reframing Deforestation: Global Analysis and Local Realities: Studies in West Africa, (London 1998) 182–97.
3. E. W. B. Russell, People and the Land Through Time: Linking Ecology and History, (New Haven 1997) 3–65; S. W. Trimble, Dating fluvial processes from historical data and artifacts, Catena, 31, (1998) 283–304; Whitney, 8–38.
4. K. W. Butzer, No Eden in the New World, Nature, 362, (1993) 15–7; K. W. Butzer and E. K. Butzer, The ‘natural’ vegetation of the Mexican Bajı́o: archival documentation of a 16th-century savanna environment, Quaternary International, 43, (1997) 161–72; G. Endfield and S. L. O'Hara, Degradation, drought, and dissent: an environmental history of colonial Michoacán, West Central Mexico, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 89, (1999) 402–19; E. G. K. Melville, A Plague of Sheep: Environmental Consequences of the Conquest in Mexico, (Cambridge 1994); S. L. F. O'Hara, A. Street-Perrott, and T. P. Burt, Accelerated soil erosion around a Mexican highland lake caused by prehispanic agriculture, Nature, 362, (1993) 48–51.
5. W. Dean, With Broadax and Firebrand: The Destruction of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, (Berkeley 1995), 3, 6–18; Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais and Instituto Socioambiental, Atlas da Evolução dos Remanescentes Florestais e Ecossistemas Associados no Domı́nio da Mata Atlântica no Perı́odo 1990–1995, (São Paulo 1998).