1. Tasks, Knowledge, and Practice: Long-Distance Resource Acquisition at Goat Spring Pueblo (LA285), Central New Mexico;American Antiquity;2024-08-22
2. The Paleoindian and Archaic Occupation of Grants, New Mexico: A Review and Reanalysis of the Grants San Jose Sites and Projectile Point Collections;KIVA;2023-09-16
3. A Diachronic Analysis of Obsidian Use at Chaco Canyon and the Influence of Social Factors on Obsidian Procurement;KIVA;2023-06-05
4. Zinapécuaro, Michoacán, Méxican Obsidian Artifacts at Piedras Marcadas Pueblo’s Sixteenth Century Battlefield (LA 290), Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico;KIVA;2023-01-03
5. Contrasting Geologic and Geoarchaeological Views of Grants Ridge Obsidian Deposits, Mount Taylor Volcanic Field, New Mexico;New Mexico Geological Society, 2022 Annual Spring Meeting, Proceedings Volume, Theme: "Karst in New Mexico in recognition of 2022 being the International Year of Caves and Karst";2022-04-07